There are thousands of athletes in your vicinity, only those with great coaches are champions. Also, when you experience a dead-lock, a coach points out the “blind spots”. For a more comprehensive answer to the question, consider this read

It is 2008 – I have just closed a new job for a 35% salary increase! A year before, although I love what I do, every day I dread getting to that stressful job environment. Then, I go to my Doctor’s for my annual physical, she seems alarmed: “Your blood pressure is above normal. Come back in 2 months, but if it stays so, I shall put you on pills”. Coincidently, a friend recommended coaching. Fast forward, I am back at my doctor, she seems puzzled this time: “Your blood pressure is normal! Did you take any pills?”. I smiled “Nope! I just got coaching”. It is 2009, and my income is double that of 2007, and I am working a much more flexible job!
- Are you looking for a permanent or contract job (entry-level, mid-career, or senior/executive)
- Are happy at work, but looking for a change, new challenge, or next-level?
- Are you not happy (or “as happy”), and looking for the next exciting thing?
- Are you Laid-off? have resigned? In transition? or re-locating?
- Are you newly degree-graduate, or passionate about a new career-area?


A multi-dimensional 360◦ approach to job-hunt (full cycle: from setting career-objectives to sitting day-one of your new job)
1-on-1 dedicated, objectives-tailored and emotional-intelligence based
Limited-space admission, only six 1-on-1 slots per opening
Location-neutral, delivered via online meetings
Value-based program fee structure (pay on results)
- Just do my resume/LinkedIn
- I just want to say right things in interviews

Career Consultation (30-min)
The job market is dynamic and complex, so is our life concurrently. Sometimes we have ideas, doubts, or just questions we want to bounce against a specialist to seek clarity. Someone who is specialized and experienced.
Resume Assessment
When resumes get recruiters and employers to call you, it is certainly assuring. If you’re applying for jobs with little to no results, let me assess your resume for effective remedy actions.Resumes and LinkedIn profile are main tools to ‘position’ you to “fish” for Interviews. We engage to produce 1 ‘Base-Resume’ (from 2-drafts conversations), then makeover the LinkedIn profile consistent with how you position yourself in that resume.
Screening, hiring Manger, or Panel interview, the intent is to ultimately get an offer. Present yourself and engage with interviewers in a powerful way, that leaves them inspired about hiring you. This is a pre-interview engagement and post-interview analysis.
You’re almost there. Negotiations could start as early as applying for a job. But here you, are either like/don’t like the offer, and wanting to negotiate for more. A few dollars here, could get you thousands of dollars for the next few months.
Career Maintenance (Weekly X 30 min session)
Congratulations you got a job! Now what? Well, this job is that chicken lays you ‘golden eggs’. If you not feed it, that could stop! Build an eco-system that supports, and guarantees, your success for months to come.
I am Coach Moe, and I do this out of my commitment to making people’s lives easier, so no one is ever “stuck” in a situation they don’t like. I am…
- An accomplished professional, with 20+ years experience in the job market
- An MBA graduate of Iowa State (USA) and a 14+ years trained in Emotional Intelligence and Coaching
- An independent contractor of 14+ years, who experienced 40+ full recruitment-cycles
- The founder/CEO and hiring manager at the innovative, a Talent-as-a-Service platform
- An alumnus of the Big 4 consulting firms, and industry-leading firms
- A husband, and a father of two children