Career Consultation (30-min)

The job market is dynamic and complex, so is our life concurrently. Sometimes we have ideas, doubts, or just questions we want to bounce against a specialist to seek clarity. Someone who is specialized and experienced.

Resume Assessment

When resumes get recruiters and employers to call you, it is certainly assuring. If you’re applying for jobs with little to no results, let me assess your resume for effective remedy actions. 
Winning Resumes and LinkedIn Profile
Resumes and LinkedIn profile are main tools to ‘position’ you to “fish” for Interviews. We engage to produce 1 ‘Base-Resume’ (from 2-drafts conversations), then makeover the LinkedIn profile consistent with how you position yourself in that resume.

Preparing for and Acing Interviews (~ 3hrs)

Screening, hiring manger, or a panel interview, the intent is to ultimately get an offer. Present yourself and engage with interviewers in a powerful way, that leaves them inspired about hiring you. 

This is a pre-interview engagement, as well as a post-interview analysis.

Negotiating Offers

You’re almost there! Negotiations could start as early as applying for a job. But here you are, your either like/don’t like the offer, and wanting to negotiate for more. Any increase in the offer, could get you thousands of dollars for the next few months.

Career Maintenance (Weekly X 30 min session)

Congratulations you got a job! Now what? Well, this job is the chicken that lays you ‘golden eggs’. If you not feed it, that could stop! Build an eco-system that supports, and guarantees, your success for months to come.